It's another new month. Let's see what March 2012 has in store for us!
- March 1st, National Pig Day-To celebrate National Pig Day, go out and buy some bacon or a ham and pig out. Everybody give a shoutout OINK! OINK! OINK! Or if you're from Arkansas....SOOEEE!
- March 3rd, National Anthem Day-Go out to a sporting event and listen to an anthem....Just as long as Christina Aguilera isn't singing it...If she is, might want to give her the words to it!!!
- March 4th, Dentist's Day- Go out and get a new toothbrush. If you have a Dental appointment on this day, remember....rinse then spit!
- March 6th, U.S. Snowshoe Day
- March 9th, False Teeth Day-Go to Grandma and Grandpa's house and hide their teeth. Or you can say a solemn prayer of thanks to George Washington, the father of false teeth.
- March 10th, Learn What Your Name Means Day
- March 11th, Paper Day- What day goes by when we don't use paper? How about a don't use paper day or save a tree from the paper mill day.
- March 14th, Potato Chip Day-This will be a big day for all of the snackers around the world.
- March 15th, Buzzards Day-This holiday should coincide with road kill day.
- March 16th, Lips Appreciation Day-Pucker up honey, I'm gonna plant a nice wet kiss on you today.
- March 17th, St. Patrick's Day-Don't forget to wear something green and don't drink too much. If you don't drink, go out and have a nice dinner of corned beef and cabbage! I will also be having a story about the history and folklore of St. Patricks' day coming stay tuned.
- March 18th, Rubber Band Day-Get your child a rubber band gun and let him wreak havoc on your pets and his siblings.
- March 19th, Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day
- March 20th, Kiss Your Fiance Day-It could be a nice day to kiss your wife today also!
- March 22nd, International Goof off Day-I always look forward to a day where I can goof off and not have to ask permission to do it! YYYYYAAAA!!!
- March 23rd, Near Miss Day-A good day to almost get a traffic ticket.
- March 24th, Kick Butts Day
- March 25th, Letting Go of Stuff Day- The day that every hoarder refuses to celebrate.
- March 26th, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day- Isn't that how we get all of these other non-national holidays? We just need something to celebrate 24/7/365 days of the year!!
- March 27th, Viagra Day- For all of the older people in the world....just don't hope a STIFF wind starts blowing.
- March 28th, Weed Appreciation Day-Oh those poor, poor weeds.
- March 30th, Doctor's Day- Help your doctor out and go get some kind of exam he can pay his bills.
- March 31st, National She's Funny That Way Day-The only time of year that we need to laugh at our significant others jokes.
Week Long Celebrations in March
The first week in March is National Author and Illustrator Week. Be sure to visit the library and check out some of your favorite authors and illustrated books.
The first week in March is National Shoe Week. As winter is coming to an end and spring is just around the corner, go through your closet and get rid of those worn out shoes or if you have children, they are probably growing out of some. Give those to a charity for the less unfortunate.
The third week in March is National Bubble Week. Celebrate with a bubble bath for you, your kids or maybe that dog in the family that hasn't had a bath in about 2 or 3 months.
Month Long Celebrations in March
March is Let's Go Fly a Kite Month, National Umbrella Month, National Frozen Foods Month and National Crafts Month. So many celebrations, so little time to do them in.
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